Practice Areas

Unfair Competition and Anti-Counterfeiting Measures

Unfair competition, such as stealing trade secrets, copying the trade dress of a competitor’s product, and false advertising, is specifically regulated by the Brazilian law. We advise our clients in all matters related to unfair competition, preventing liability and enforcing the protection provided for by the unfair competition legal provisions. In addition to that, we are experts in implementing anti-counterfeiting and boarder measures, in performing investigations and gathering information directly from customs offices, cooperating with governmental agents to guarantee the success of our strategies.


  • T. +55 21 3514 0400
  • F. +55 21 3514 0401 / 3852 3495
  • Headquarters: Av. das Américas, 4200, BL9, Suites 217-B to 220-B | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Brazil | 22640-102.
    São Paulo Branch: 1098, St Leopoldo Couto de Magalhães Júnior / Conj. 44 - Itaim Bibi - São Paulo, SP - CEP 04542-001 Brazil.